mental health, healing, growth, self-love, blessing, self-harm, trauma, therapist, poetry, spoken word

On Healing (For Real This Time)

Bearing witness to one’s trials and triumphs through their poetry can be a meaningful way of connecting with another individual. Tanesha Nicole’s spoken word poem “On Healing (For Real This Time)” provides the audience a glimpse into the speaker’s process of healing.

Tanesha Nicole’s poem is an ode to everything they’re grateful for in their life. The speaker notes the effort they’ve put into healing and shares how much they’ve grown as a person throughout the process. Touching upon their experiences of trauma and self-harm, they mention the power of them still being alive. Tanesha Nicole’s words remind us of the little things in life that keep us going and the beauty in revelling in them.

“…Bless every time I thought I’d found salvation but didn’t quite have it right,

Bless all of the ways I’ve learned to grow instead,

Bless this healing that’s come in the form of people and places and things that will continue to come if I let it, 

And oh, bless and bless and bless and bless,

That for the first time, I want to let it.”


Image Credits:
Feature Image: Adrianna Calvo, on Pexels, Creative Commons
