As many as 16% of individuals have or have had an anxiety disorder or phobia. Dr. Jen Gunter M.D. compares functional anxiety to disordered anxiety…

NPR’s Invisibilia podcast details a case of police misconduct, where Black teenager Joseph Green is falsely arrested by a Stockton police officer, after he tries…

“The Velveteen Rabbit” a children’s book written by Margery Williams tells the story of a stuffed bunny who magically becomes real through his owner’s love….

Although acceptance is growing, people in the transgender community are still heavily discriminated against. To understand what it’s like to be transgender today, the Trauma…

Norwegian painter, Edward Munch was a prolific artist whose focus is human mortality, chronic illness, sexual liberation and religious aspiration. He was considered the head…

Pulitzer-winning poet Galway Kinnell says the poems he wrote were rarely addressed to anyone in particular. An exception was made, however, when a student of…

How many of us have been conditioned to believe that life’s natural progression will lead us to the creation of our own nuclear family? Having…

Richard George Davis is a South African artist who creates surreal dream-like artworks which represent literal interpretations of common language expressions or emotions . The…

Click here to view our podcast channel! In this episode, Trauma Report writer Azin Dastpak interviews Emma Goude, an award winning filmmaker and author of…

In her spoken word poem “In My Favourite Memory of Her,” Reagan Myers reflects upon the beautiful moments shared with a friend who died by…