Although the term breathwork is relatively new, the practice of controlled breathing to improve mental health is ancient. Yogic breathing, or pranayama, was the first…

As a supervisor at a large retail company, I had always felt safe in the workplace. But this sense of security was upended when I…

“Sometimes one does a study and expects a negative result. This was one of them.” Ted Dinan laughs before launching into the story of the…

Does time really heal all wounds? As the parent of a child who was diagnosed with cancer, I know that some wounds never do heal…

Although acceptance is growing, people in the transgender community are still heavily discriminated against. To understand what it’s like to be transgender today, the Trauma…

The benefits of volunteering for both the volunteers and those they help are undeniable. Volunteers tend to feel more connected to others and fulfilled with…

“The only guilt I feel is the manufactured cliché guilt that society thrusts upon people who have weird kinks.” Wilson (name changed for anonymity) has…

In 2014, the Trauma and Mental Health Report met with Kevin Healey, a mental health advocate, to discuss his experiences with hearing voices from an…

The obsessive pursuit of another has been romanticized in novels like Wuthering Heights, vocalized in song lyrics filled with dejected passion, and dramatized by famous…