Jennifer Bae is an artist from Guelph, Ontario. In her adolescence and young adulthood, the artist sought solace in macabre art that revolved around themes…

Suse Silva is a Toronto based visual artist working in Toronto. She uses visual art as a way to express her internal experiences to being…

Em Farquhar-Barrie is a multi-disciplinary artist at Making Room Community Arts, an arts company which promotes radical inclusivity and the collaboration of diverse communities through…

Making art has always been a part of human expression and seems to have positive effects for individuals working through various emotional turmoil. Art does not…

Julie Everson uses writing to help manage her struggles with borderline personality disorder. Creating poetry is important to her personal healing—allowing her to share her…

‘The Weeping Woman’ is an oil-on-canvas painting created by Pablo Picasso, in 1937. Many believe that the painting is a continuation of his famous Guernica…

Expressing personal feelings directly isn’t easy for everyone. While some do so comfortably, others may require more indirect means of self expression. Some people struggle…