Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing unsightly physical flaws and defects, even if they aren’t real. That’s the type of harrowing symptom pronounced in…
Anna R. was having an ultrasound, prepared to see her baby for the first time. When she asked the technician what the sex of the…
Student Laura Bain lives with bipolar disorder and describes her condition in this thought-provoking TEDx Talk. She illustrates the turmoil of what life is like…
The R.E.M. song Everybody Hurts reaches out to those struggling with sadness, loneliness, despair, or thoughts of suicide, asking them to “Hold on”. The message…
For the past six years, Melissa Spitz of St. Louis, Missouri has been using photography to illustrate her mother’s experience with mental illness, referring to…
The song “Fire and Rain” written by James Taylor depicts his fight with depression and drug addiction early in his music career, along with his…
Andrea Gibson is a spoken word artist and activist who writes with intense passion about mental illness, bullying, and social tragedy. In her award-winning poem,…
Individuals open up in a short film about their early experiences with therapy: first feeling trepidation or reluctance, and then feeling relief or catharsis. In…
Sure, writers dismiss it. But the semicolon –the otherwise underwhelming punctuation mark– has had its share of fans. Like American physician and poet Lewis Thomas,…
In his poem, ‘Alone’, Edgar Allen Poe explores his feelings of solitude and isolation. Edgar Allen Poe has been known to suffer from feelings of…