Does reading have the ability to increase empathy? Writer and activist Alaa Al Aswany thinks so. He believes that the role of literature has been…

‘Dose’ is part of an installation called ‘Girls Behind Bars’ by Pharmacopoeia, a group of three artists whose main objective is to engage the public…

‘Guns for Hands’, a song by Twenty-One Pilots, offers a strong contrast of an up-beat rhythm and dark powerful lyrics. The song follows a story…

During my last year of high school, I tried to help one of my closest friends, Rebecca (name changed), through an eating disorder. I found…

In his series ‘Real Monsters. Volume 2’ artist Toby Allen depicts what mental illnesses might look like, if they took the form of monsters that…

‘Richard Cory’, a poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson, describes the life of a man who seemingly has it all…but commits suicide. The poem serves…

From the darkness of despair, Gemma Correll and Allie Brosh have created deeply personal cartoons to illustrate their experiences with mental illness. Maintaining popular online…

In her album, “romanticization of mental illness” Kelsey Weaver reveals an ongoing struggle with self-harm and self-medication.

‘The Weeping Woman’ is an oil-on-canvas painting created by Pablo Picasso, in 1937. Many believe that the painting is a continuation of his famous Guernica…

Where do we draw the line between wishing for better fortune and using fantasy as escape? This question is at the heart of a recent…