Chrystos is a Menominee self-educated writer and two-spirited activist. Chrystos’ work examines themes of feminism, sexual orientation, social justice, and Native rights. In her poem…

Glennon Doyle is an author, activist, and non-profit executive. From the age of 8 Glennon struggled with bulimia, and later addiction, which she speaks openly…

“Idontwannabeyouanymore” is a well-known single released in 2017 by singer-songwriter Billie Eilish. The song addresses Billie’s low self-confidence and insecurities, among other things. It is…

AfterTrauma is a website that allows survivors of trauma to speak up about their experiences and find support through the stories of others. The Centre…

“Empty” is an award winning short film about a woman, Kiera, living with an eating disorder and her battle with the hypercritical voices in her…

Life On The Line, a non-profit art project organized by Twentytwenty Arts, featured prints of original artworks by 20 local artists displayed inside subway trains, in Toronto. This…

Working in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Singaporean government, GAMBIT Game Lab searched for game designs that drove social change and reframed…

Inspired by his challenging experience coping with anxiety, In My Blood is a single written and performed by Canadian musician Shawn Mendes. Mendes shared personal…

As the knowledge regarding mental illnesses accumulates, the prevalence of mental illnesses has been shown to represent a large percentage of the population. According to…

Neil Hilborn is an American slam poet who writes and performs poetry. Hilborn was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as a child, and bipolar disorder while he was in college, and has always used…