Richard Dadd was a Victorian era English painter who had a penchant for creating imaginative paintings of fairies and the supernatural, which he rendered with…

Em Farquhar-Barrie is a multi-disciplinary artist at Making Room Community Arts, an arts company which promotes radical inclusivity and the collaboration of diverse communities through…

Based in London, UK, French artist Myriam Tillson works with watercolour and gouache. She creates pieces inspired by fantastical and surreal themes. Her painting entitled,…

‘Sorrow’, an 1882 drawing by Vincent van Gogh, depicts a 32-year-old pregnant woman, Clasina Maria Hoornik, who went by the name of Sien. Sien was homeless and had addictions to alcohol and tobacco and was working in prostitution. Van Goh provided her and…

Glenn Brady is a talented artist from Brisbane, Australia. Many of his pieces are landscapes depicting rows of wooden houses behind narrow roads in a…

Kim Noble is a prolific artist living with Dissociative Identity Disorder, likely resulting from severe childhood trauma. Kim has twenty different personalities, and in order to communicate…

Based in Toronto, Canada, artist Charli Forrester experienced a period of insomnia in September 2017 and turned to drawing to occupy her mind. The next day, she…

Making art has always been a part of human expression and seems to have positive effects for individuals working through various emotional turmoil. Art does not…

Though appointed by Napoleon Bonaparte to grandly depict the exploits of the French army, artist Antoine-Jean Gros instead depicted the destruction wrought by Napoleon’s army –…