Arctic Monkeys‘ track “If You Were There, Beware” is, by common consensus, an account of the predatory and unrelenting nature of the paparazzi. However, one’s immediate impression on hearing it is not of…

AfterTrauma is a website that allows survivors of trauma to speak up about their experiences and find support through the stories of others. The Centre…

Remember “Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)”, that mainstay of every 90’s top hits compilation? If you remember the lyrics to the song, you might recall that they outline how…

As a child, I would sometimes find myself wide-awake in bed, but unable to move. Some nights, I would hear voices in my room, as…

On a quiet summer evening a few years back, while taking a walk in Trinity Bellwoods Park in Toronto, I witnessed an event that would…

Prolonged exposure to stress can have devastating effects on mental health. In fact, neuroscientists have found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in the brain’s…

Often the subject of artistic endeavour, the Rape of Proserpina by 16th-century sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini is nonetheless distinct in its uniquely sympathetic depiction of…

“Parallel Universes” is a poignant poem written by a man with schizophrenia. Dan Hoeweler had this poem and two other equally beautiful pieces published in…

Years ago, I was kicked out of my home because of my drug use. My single mother sent me to live at a local youth…

Emergency physician, author, and public speaker Dr. Louis M. Profeta works at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. His poem, “I’ll Look At Your Facebook Profile Before I Tell…