Anxiety, Crocodile, In Between, Animation, Coping, Mental Illness, Learning, Disorder, Diagnosis, Therapy, Relationships, Mental Illness, Stress, Acceptance

In Between

“In Between” is an animated short film by a group of students from the French Gobelins School of Image. It depicts a young woman coming to terms with her new anxiety disorder diagnosis. We witness this woman as she struggles in her day-to-day social situations, such as presenting in a business meeting and striking up a conversation with a friendly man next door. Her anxiety takes the form of a crocodile, captivating and charming, who follows her around causing this dysfunction and distress. Eventually, the woman gets fed up, only to realize that the crocodile is simply a part of her that she can choose to fight or to accept. She notices the helpful well-meaning nature of the beast and chooses to make peace, consoling it as she confidently brings her neighbour a cup of coffee. She is now ready to take on the world again with this aspect integrated into her identity.

Image Credit:
Feature: Alessandra at Flickr, Creative Commons, some rights reserved
