After twenty-eight years of being “dragged through the system,” Emily Swiatek was finally diagnosed with Asperger’s, a branch of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). For Emily,…

In 2013, filmmaker Mark Jonathan Harris and film scholar Marsha Kinder, along with dozens of collaborators, unveiled the Interacting with Autism website. The website is…

Released in July 2016, interactive video game Pokémon GO was a huge hit with adults, even though the brand was largely associated with children. Countless…

In April 2015, Justin Sangiuliano, a seventeen-year-old diagnosed with Autism, was physically restrained at his group home in Oshawa, Canada. To control an aggressive outburst,…

Born without eyes, Smily the Golden Retriever became a certified therapy dog after he was rescued from a puppy mill by dog trainer, Joanne George….

“Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say,” read the flat and emotionless voice of the computer. The…

Katje Kaase’s poem “Autistic Wonder” describes the unique worldview of a person with autism. The author’s imagery helps the audience develop a picture of how…