“The Atlas: Enneagram” is an album created by the band Sleeping at Last led by vocalist Ryan O’Neal. As depicted by his band name O’Neal…
To even survive the completion of Michelangelo’s world-renown Sistine Chapel, pristinely painted 60 feet above ground level on the exceptionally high ceiling of a rather…
Author Joanne Greenberg published I Never Promised You a Rose Garden in 1964 as a fictionalized story based on her own experiences with mental health….
In a Ted Talk discussing her battles with schizophrenia as a young college student, Cecilia McGough openly shares the stigma that surrounds schizophrenia, and the…
“The Bell Jar” is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Sylvia Plath and published in 1963. This was the first and last story ever to be…
“You know, we used to discharge people if they didn’t finish their first meal here.” That was the response from a staff member at an…
The Netflix series It’s Okay to Not Be Okay is a Korean drama written by Jo Yong and directed by Park Shin-woo. This series centres…
Lena Bouma is an artist, specializing in graphic design. The Trauma and Mental Health Report reached out to hear about Lena’s process of expressing feelings…
The movie “Words on Bathroom Walls”, released in 2020, follows Adam Petrazelli as he balances high school and the challenges of his mental health diagnosis….
Psychedelics are hallucinogens which have historically been used for ritual purposes and to facilitate spiritual experiences. They have been used recreationally to enhance sensory perceptions…